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Monday 4 August, 2008

88888 Lights Out!

Global Warming: is a pretty well spoken about term in every field- economic, environmental and basically Mother Earth's future. This is in response to the sights being telecast callously all over the media- like for the instance when a New York sized Ice sheet melted and broke off from the Arctic Shelf, and how Greenland is truly becoming more greener as the ice receeds. It is forecast that all coastal cities are in great danger around the world as the ice melts, raising sea levels, decreasing salinity (causing species extinction), raising water levels by around 8m which will submerge Mumbai, Chennai and other coastal cities on India's 7000 Km coastline. The main contributers to this progressive doom are GHG's (Green House Gases) like Methane (from cow dung 18%- it has to be tapped properly), Carbon-di-oxide (from vehicular exhaust- use public transport and your own legs as much as you can) and ultimately fossil fuel burning. 60% of India's electricity comess from burning of coal. It is predicted that this will all come true by 2025 so to prevent this you can do so in your own ways. Starting from this month. If we all pledge to switch of the lights and fans and tv's for 8 minutes on 8th August 2008 at 8 pm it will save lots of electricity and we could tide over the power cuts too! This campaign is carried out by Exnora International all over India similar to Earth Hour in Sydney, Light's Out in London and Batti Bandh in Mumbai. So you can do your bit by helping in a small and simple way. Also tell all your freinds and family- its simple and it will do good to the world. Don't forget that we hven't got time left and i'm serious! Do it quick NOW!
Save the world and not only yourself,

Aditya C.R
The Elite Window

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