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Tuesday 5 August, 2008

Poll of the Month: Can India host Olympics by 2020?

The results of the previous poll are out and I'm glad to say that I'm happy!

81% [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Fab!
19% [][][][][] Good!
0% Poor!
0% Bland.

I thank everyone who voted profusely for your judgement. Also, I am proud to announce this month's poll - Can India host Olympics by 2020? You can either select online and vote on the right hand side banner or you can also send an SMS to +919962302293 - the Elite Window number with SMS service. Text POTM [space] YES if you agree and POTM [space] NO if you do not agree. Please keep voting and coming back for more exciting stuff on India's (and eventually) the World's best entertainment blog.

Aditya C.R
The Elite Window

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