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Monday 9 June, 2008

Tongue Tinglers: SALSA twist!

For homemade Salsa:-

250 gms Capsicum
250 gms Tomato
a few flowers of garlic
Tomato Puree (with flavours if available)
2 tsp Chilli powder 
Jalepeno (A few pieces)
Olive Oil (2 tbsp)
Oregano (a pinch)
Salt and Sugar to taste

Mince the tomatoes and capsicum and crush them in a bowl with your washed fingers or with a pestle. Now add the mix to a pan with pre heated olive oil and minced jalepeno and saute. Add flavoured tomato puree with a dash of oregano and saute again till it becomes less watery and more viscous. Add chilli powder as specified if you really want it and then add the minceed garlic and saute. (Do not let the mixture dry!) Add salt and sugar as per taste and mix well. Remove pan from heat at optimum viscosity and add alongside nachoes or mix with pasta and serve hot!!

Aditya C.R
 The Elite Window

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